Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I was studying yesterday about prayer, and was reminded of something that I have not been doing a very good job of. Praying for things in detail. Being specific when I go to God. I learned the other day that if I begin to to get out of touch with the Lord, my prayers become more general, and less specific. for instance, I may pray for a person that needs it, and sometimes it starts out very specific, then after that It is, "Lord, help this person with there problem" Then "Lord, be there for them", and then I can get to point, where I am praying "Lord, be with everyone today", "Help everyone today"... As the prayers get more generic, they lose effectiveness. God wants us to "will" what we pray not simple "wish" for something to happen. When we will something we are willing to work for it, to go after it. basically, we really care about it and are passionate, to act on what we are praying for. Wishing, is kinda like praying for people to be saved, and not actually sharing Christ with them. We have specific things in our hearts that God wants us to pray for, things we are passionate about, and people we are compassionate for. We must go to God in certainty and in faith. As we get closer to him, his specific will becomes our will. When that happens we will truly see the power of prayer.

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