Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Relationship to Embrace The Truth

The truth is the truth. There is such thing as absolute truth. Things that we can believe in no matter what. Things that don't change on experiences or circumstances. We have faith in those things. Have you ever been through something that someone else hasn't, and had the opportunity to help them through it? You know what needs to be done because you lived through it. you know the way to be successful, and you explain what you have been through and how you made it through. Yet they don't trust God or they don't trust you. Something very important needs to be in place for that truth to be accepted. Relationship must be present. not just relationship, but a solid relationship that has much trust. The more uncomfortable the truth that your sharing the more trust there must be in the relationship. For me to walk up to a stranger, and give them advice on what they need to do in there life is typically not going to be successful, unless of course God has been preparing them to hear what I have to say. I can tell my close friends anything. and they can tell me anything. The value of their words are far greater than those I don't know, or don't know as well. What are the value of Gods words to you today? Do you trust him? Will you accept his truths? Is there relationship, and is it solid and full of trust? I am so grateful for my relationship with Christ! He never gives me bad advice, and I can trust him completely. I am also thankful for close friends who can speak truth into my life and in many ways mirror the relationship i have with Jesus in human form. guide every relationship and make them deeper today Lord.

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