Monday, May 11, 2009

Putting Away the Church Mask

As I deepen friendships with our youth, it becomes more obvious to me everyday, that we must be real. For far to long church people have felt the need to put on the "life is perfect because I have Jesus mask" Here is the harsh reality... Life sux sometimes... No, I am not having a bad day today. lol :) I actually am having a really good day! It's just something I have been thinking about lately. I think if we have a bad day, it's ok to display that. It is ok to say, life isn't "peachy" right now. Where in world did we get this idea that life on Earth had to be perfect? Jesus certainly didn't say that. I think it is from the preaching of "come to Jesus and he will fix all your problems". The truth is someday all of our problems will be gone. Jesus will make it all disappear, but for the time being we do have tough things to go through and tough situations to be in. Jesus is with us through them all, and I am thankful for that. He supplies grace and blessings in our lives. In the midst of the storms of life, a Bible verse offers hope, a friend comes along beside you, an unexpected blessing arrives, or an answer to prayer. I think that prideful fake perfection has killed evangelism in the church, especially among the younger generation. They want to hear, that we are having a bad day, if we are. They see right through fake! Jesus never told us to lie about how we were feeling. He didn't say, "ok guys, we have to make this look like it is the best thing ever!" The fact is... It is the best thing ever. We don't have to pretend! We don't have to try make God look good. He can handle that. I do love the fact that even in the worst of situations I can say. My hope is in Jesus, and I know that he will bring me through! I want to put the mask away, and just be me, and who I am in Christ. I am still a work in progress and I shouldn't have to hide that. God is good, and I love him! I hope you have a great day! -but if you don't that's ok... :) God is still good!

1 comment:

  1. You couldn't have said it better! I've been thinking about the same thing. Does being honest about sorrow or pain diminish the image of Christ? I don't think so, for like you said He didn't say life will be easy after coming to Him. Besides, He is always with us through it all. It is Jesus' strength that gets us through the rough times.
