Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trading in Natural for Unnatural

I am starting to read Romans now, and in chapter 1 it talks about how people have traded natural relations with unnatural relations with one another. It also talks about trading the truth of God for a lie. I am hesitant to talk about this topic because "Christians" have many times dealt with this sin inappropriately when they see it in other peoples lives. As a result of that it makes people angry when someone brings up God and this topic. Yet I am feeling compelled to share my view of how I think God sees this. First of all, the Bible defines homosexuality, and lesbianism, as sin. That in and of itself is the big controversy today. You may ask, how can it be sin if it is love? God is love right? Why would he be against this? When we exchange the natural for the unnatural we fall away from his plan of perfect love. His way and his love are natural. People throughout history have had a warped views of love. The man who hits his wife and then tells her he loves her, or the serial killer who "loved" his victims. Obviously these are extreme examples, and people were hurt or killed, but still, it was a view that was held as love that nearly all would agree as being false and twisted. I want to walk in God's natural love, if others choose not to, that is between them and God. You know what else is un-natural to God's ways? Further on in chapter 1 of Romans, it talks about the depraved mind. some of the adjectives it uses to describe the depraved mind are: senseless, heartless, ruthless... So, as Christians if we deal with any sin being senseless, heartless, and ruthless to another person we are no better... just a thought. I am praying that people will accept pure love, God's natural love. I am also praying that I will display this natural love through my words and actions today. In my opinion gay marriage is a minor issue in the scheme of things. The real question is, Do you know Jesus as your personal savior...? If so all the other things will fall into place as you continue to walk with him.

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