Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hearing from God

I had a great learning experience yesterday. A couple actually. And I want to share one of them today. For the last 3 weeks I have had this thought pop in my head to ask someone how they were doing in a specific area of their lives. I had previously been an accountability partner to them in the same area. But I kinda shrugged it off and said to myself "they seem fine, they will come talk to me if they need more help" It was one of those things that I made excuses for and disregarded as just a random thought that popped into my head. Yesterday this person approached me and asked me to keep them accountable again because they were struggling. All the sudden I realized that I missed hearing from God. or maybe better yet missed "listening" to God. As we talked more, they said that they had been struggling for the last 2 or 3 weeks, and they felt like God wanted them to ask me for help. As all this is processing in my spirit, I responded and said, I bet he did tell you that, because he has been trying to tell me directly for 3 weeks and I evidently have been ignoring him. It bothers me that I missed that, but at the same time I love that I have this experience to look back on. I am wanting to tune in a little more today, and hear that still small voice!

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