Monday, March 16, 2009

The Uprising

I am impressed with what I see in the hearts of our youth at the church. I am seeing faith. not just an inner faith, but a faith that steps out, and allows exposure. I see desire, and willingness to do whatever it takes to serve Jesus. They have a recognition of imperfection in there lives and understand that they are not perfect and that is no excuse to go for it. (We all should have that by the way! :) ) I love it when I push them to do great things, and they push me to do great things, because the fact is that we are on this journey together. I certainly do not have all the answers, it is simply nice to travel with company that has the same goals. I have been excited about what I believe to be a word for us as well as other Churches. "We will have break through corporately when as individuals we seek the face of God not just corporately, but even more personally" That is paraphrased by the way. I feel like grabbing a surf board and catching this wave, because it is going to be quite a ride! There is an uprising happening!

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