Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Praying When things are going good

I was convicted this morning about a part of my prayer life. It is a pattern I have followed many times and I would like to break it. I forget to pray for people when their lives are going good. I have found myself committed to pray for people when they are going through a tough time, then when things are better I stop praying for them. We need Gods grace in our lives everyday, and it kinda seems like the Israelites when God blessed them in the Bible and things were going great, then they forgot about him. They forgot where the blessings come from. I do believe there are times to turn up the heat and increase our prayers, but I am going to take a little time today to pray for those who God is blessing today and that He would continue to be obviously active in there daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! my neice said one time that we need to start treating Jesus like our spouse. . .He is the bridegroom of the church, afterall. She said that when everything is going great in our relationship with our spouses, we don't ignore them and stop spending time with them until things go wrong. It is usually during this time that we actually spend the most time with our spouse. Shouldn't it be the same with Him. Very insightful, though. I know there are times when I also forget to pray for others because everything seems to be going well for them. Take senior pastors or other ministers for example. Very rarely do we let people know when something is going on in our lives, but I know that I would want someone praying for me even when things are ok.
