Friday, January 30, 2009

God's Kingdom is Bigger Than We Know

Reading Mark 9 today. in verses 38-41 the disciples say that they saw someone else driving out demons in Jesus name. They tried to stop him because he was not in their group. Jesus says don't worry about it because if he drives out the demon in my name, he cannot say anything bad about me in the next moment. (in other words his faith is real) Somethings have been the same since the disciples. "They don't go to our church, what do they know about Jesus?" "their faith can't be real." These to often are the statements that are said, or at least implied. Jesus is so much bigger than a denomination. He works through all of those who believe in him and seek him, through his word and through prayer. If something is done in the name of Jesus and brings glory to God, it does not matter if they are part of our group or not. It is tough sometimes to keep that frame of mind. sometimes I get jealous, and wish that what happened would have happened at our church. Oh, how often our sinful selves show up! that type of thinking is not kingdom thinking. Lord, help us to to continue to grow, and to remember that God's kingdom is bigger than we know!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have been reading about prayer this week and am finding out that it is one of the most simple things to do yet one of the most challenging. The key to successful prayer is being close to God. The goal is to be so close to God that we are praying his will and not our own. We have to look at the motives of our prayers. Is it for selfish reasons that we pray, or is it selfless. Will getting what we pray for boast our ego's out of control? Even if we pray for someone to be healed, will we give the glory to God or will we accept the praise of those who witnessed the miracle? Our hearts are corrupt in so many ways it almost feels like playing that "whack-a-mole" game. That is the game where all these moles pop of out holes on the board randomly and you are supposed to hit them on the head with a mallet to get points. (I bet PETA loves that game!) It seems that way when I want to try to pray in the most effective way sometimes. Selfishness... Whack! Ulterior motives.... Whack! My will not his.... Whack! oh no, selfishness again... Whack! I also think it is dangerous to stay to focused on the things we are doing wrong, because it can take our eyes off of God. We must push in towards him, whack the sin if it is between us and God and keep moving closer to him! Grabbing my mallet, and heading to class for the day! have a good one!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Determination to do it Right

I got through my internship book last night, and I read about the importance of taking care of your marriage and your children and not getting caught up in ministry and neglecting them. Robyn and I have been learning and gr owning in this area. It is tough when the people you are ministering to are having tough times. it makes it so easy to ignore my wife. We have taken some measures to make sure we have some time together and it has been good. As the book says, one of the keys to success in your ministry is to be successful in your marriage and parenting. I was encouraged as I read through the book, because a lot of the things it suggests we are doing already, but I know I can't allow myself to just coast on this. As I heard at our youth leadership conference; we can always do things better. I am determined to do things right in this area of my life. It is critical. And on this morning as I sit in Cedar Rapids at training today and tomorrow, I am anxiously awaiting getting home only to leave again for the weekend. I am thankful for an understanding and patient wife. I am blessed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jesus the Leader

I have been learning about how Jesus led people. It is so different than how the rest of the world has always done it. The rest of the world fights for the top position and will do whatever it takes to keep it. It is pretty much like king of the mountain. Jesus enabled others to get to the top of the mountain. Jesus sent out his disciples in Mark chapter 6 to go and perform miracles. If I were Jesus I wouldn't have done that quite as easily. I would have thought, I have established this reputation of doing miracles and if they can do it too then why should I be the leader instead of one of them. But Jesus is secure in who he is and is not concerned about how he looks from a worldly perspective. He holds the high office of servant. Jesus even said greater things than these will you do (in referring to miracles). the worldly leader says you will never do anything better than me! That is why I am the leader! To be like Jesus we have to allow him to pretty much break every natural tendency we have. It's crazy. then the other side of this is that Jesus was very strong at the same time. It is amazing! To lead like Jesus is going to be an ongoing task for the rest of my life. Looking forward to it! Have a great day!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Camp Anticipation

It's Monday and I am already anxiously awaiting Friday! Not because this week is going to be bad, but because the weekend is going to be that good! I am going to get to camp out in the snow this weekend, which to most is not exactly something to look forward to. But I see it as a challenge, and it is a sign that I am not getting "too old" :) In our media driven culture to go camping gives me a sense of relief. A break from the constant bombardment of advertisements and music and podcast and TV shows, and on and on... I learned this weekend that we have traded rest for entertainment. that is so true. our idea of rest is to, go out and watch a movie, or go on vacation and push ourselves to see every attraction that we can in a short amount of time. We often come back from vacation more tired than when we left. What's up with that?! what are we thinking?! This weekend I want to sit around a campfire and do things at my own pace. if I get ambitious I will go shoot something and eat it. maybe play some hockey on pond, but only when I feel like it. This weekend I'm just going with the flow, and God is totally cool with rest. He set the example by resting on the 7th day. I'm excited to be obedient and rest this weekend! Have a good day!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Being Sold Out to Christ

In Mark chapter 3, people are accusing Jesus of being possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus explains that there accusation makes no sense. Why would he cast out demons if he is working for Satan! Isn't that a little counter productive? He talks about how a divided kingdom cannot stand. Some days I feel like a divided kingdom. I have those days when I feel like Paul did when he said in Romans 7:15 "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Wasn't Paul sold out to Christ? Was he like a divided kingdom? I don't think he was, and this is why. It kinda goes back to my earlier blogs. this is a matter of the heart. Paul, didn't tell God to back off while he went to go live the way he wanted for a while. Remember, he said what he hates he does. So he didn't like what he was doing. I think we have a real problem if we love the sinful things we do and love God. Revelation talks about being lukewarm.

Revelation 3:15-16 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm-- neither hot nor cold-- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Believing in Jesus is not a 1/2 hearted thing. It is not "just a Sunday thing". It is not a "just when it is convenient thing". When Jesus called his disciples he said to leave everything and follow him. We all do things we shouldn't, and with God's help he will help us overcome them, but first our hearts must be sold out him!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seeing Things Through the Eyes of the Kingdom

Mark 2:1-5 talks about Jesus healing the man that was brought in through the roof of his house. It seems like maybe he was at his parents house, if I am reading the passage correctly, but Picture this: Jesus is at his house and people are swarming to get to him, they are packed in there like sardines. all of the sudden stuff starts falling from the ceiling on Jesus and the people below, dust and bits of mud brick dropping down, and lowered down is this paralyzed man! Now, I know what I would have been thinking... "What are you doing to my roof!!! I gotta live here!" I would be thinking how rude of these people to do that to my house. But Jesus, responds differently than I would of course! He doesn't even mention the giant hole that they made, he only sees faith! He is looking through the eyes of the kingdom. He sees the spiritual not the physical. I wonder if when Cyrus draws me a nice picture on the wall in the living room if I will see the display of love from my son, or if I will flip out because of the wall... hmmm... I want to see things through the eyes of the kingdom of God today.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Breakfast time meetings

I am not a morning person. Most of the time I would rather sleep an extra 5 minutes than get up to get something to eat. Recently, I have been trying to get up a little earlier, because that time is valuable. I like to get together and meet with some people I know and really start out the day together. It is great to start out the morning on a positive, because it seems to carry through the whole day. It sets the pace or the attitude for the day. I am thankful for those that encourage me and it is great to be the encourager as well. Together we rejoice in the good times and make the ruff times bearable. God has been good to provide good friends to be around. I am thankful!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Filled with Compassion

I started reading the Gospel of Mark this morning. Chapter 1:40-45 talks about a man that comes to Jesus with leprosy, and kinda asks him a question and makes a statement of faith all at once. He says "if you are willing, you can make me clean" Jesus was filled with compassion, and reaches out and touches the man and and responds "I am willing. Be clean". The man was healed, but the interesting part comes next. He says don't tell anyone I did this! That always throws me off when I read that, but the thing is Jesus was in the beginning of his ministry and had a lot to do before his time to die, so it seems he just wanted to lay kinda low for little while longer. Yet, Jesus was filled with compassion and could not help but bring healing to this man who came to him in faith. Verse 45 says as a result of the man not being quiet Jesus could not enter a town openly. God's compassion is a powerful force. In a sense, healing this man made his ministry more difficult, but he was not willing to suppress his compassion for this man. I hope when the choice comes to show compassion or chose the easier road, I will be like Jesus and have compassion.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This world is full of influencers. Everyone has influence on those around them. It is easy to talk about all the negative influences and influencers in life today. Yes- yes- yes, it is all over. I know it and you know it. However last night I was truly blessed by some positive influencers. 17 of us went to see Barlowgirl in concert last night. It was not your typical "rock" concert. These 3 women of God, shared testimonies from their lives, about how they had overcome eating disorders, and physical illness by the power of God and preached the word. If you can't tell by the name, this group is really focused towards young ladies. As hundreds of them looked towards the stage, and heard how God had brought them through these tough situations I felt that God was doing some amazing things in the lives of many there that night! As so many girls looked to the stage at their hero's, they were delivered from addictions, and bondage of all kinds. Not because of the band but by Jesus Christ. It was overwhelming to take in what was happening spiritually! They did not end in a huge grand finally, we worshiped with our eyes closed. you could just hear the crowd singing, and as many opened their eyes the band was gone. it wasn't about them and the glory was all Gods. I am thankful for people who influence us and set examples like I saw last night. Today is going to be a great day!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

I find myself in an odd situation this Friday morning. I am ready for my class this weekend! the book is read, the questions answered, and the quizzes complete. It feels good. It is nice to get things done before the deadline. I am looking forward to class this weekend on the book of Romans. It is an amazing book, and if I had to chose one book out of the whole bible as my favorite it, that would be the one. how could one person write something this complete? By the Holy Spirit that is how! Nothing more completely describes what salvation is all about better than Romans. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit works in our lives today, giving us the right words, and inspiring us to do great things for him. It is going to be a good day!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ideal situations (idle situations)

I have found myself falling behind on some things, and have been trying to figure out why. I have come to this conclusion. I want to do things when I have no other distractions around. for instance, I am studying for a class this weekend I am taking. It seams that I keep putting it off. My excuse... is that I want to have a time when I can just study for a several hours and get through the whole thing at once. My wanting to wait for an ideal situation has lead me to an idle situation as far as studying goes. Now at times we need to wait on God, and wait for his timing, like when Robyn and I were waiting to get pregnant. That was the right time to wait. waiting for the perfect situation to study is not the time to wait. A little bit here, a little bit there, and it will get done. It is the same way with witnessing I think. I so often want an ideal situation, and it turns into an idle situation. Let's not let waiting for ideal situations to be an excuse today not to get things done!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Unique Control

I find it amazing how in control God is sometimes, in this seemingly out of control world. Some days it feels like total chaos. As I continue to walk with God; time after time I see his purpose in what seems to be chaos at first. God gives us free will to choose him or reject him, yet he is in complete control. This comes from his ability to know everything, past, present, and future. He knows what will happen, and what choice we will make in response to what happened. I read about how God worked throughout Israel's history this morning. He was never surprised when they turned from him. He was not wondering what he was going to do now that "his people" had fallen away from him. I know that God is in control today as he is everyday. My job is to choose to follow him and know that whatever I face, if I am seeking him, it is going to be OK. I was talking to a student this week, and he was concerned that a choice he made was not the right one even though it was Biblical. I assured him that no matter what we face, as long as we are doing what God wants we can rest assured that we are doing the right thing. Really, that is our only task that we are responsible for. As long as we love him and follow him, we have done the right thing.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Family God

God does not rule us like the president of the United States. he does not rule us as a dictator, or even as a king (As we would think of a human king). God is the head of the family. this is how he chooses to run things. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he is just as he deals with us, but God is not only making the high level calls that direct a large group of people he is intimately involved in the very details of our lives. The president will not come to your school concert to support you, but God will. He chooses to rule as the head of the family because that is the structure that is best. Remember... he came up with it! God is not only all powerful, but he is a great dad to us all. I am thankful for all that he has done in my life!

Monday, January 12, 2009

In His Presence

We talked about being in the presence of God last night in youth group. This world is full of sin and it doesn't take long for us to get stressed out and worried about things. People look for ways to escape the stresses of life. Many turn to Alcohol, drugs, or sex. The thing is that there are no shortages of worldly ways to eliminate stress. Many of which like the ones I just mentioned only lead to more stress. We have an ability through Jesus Christ to come into the presence of God! What once would kill man, now is the thing that blesses him. In the old testament if someone just walked into the presence of God they would have died. Now with the righteousness we Have through Jesus we can enter into this awesome place. He is our escape! He is our stress relief. this is going to be a busy week! Time to practice what I preach!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Power of Presence

Romans 6-8 is where I am studying now. Paul talks about new life. Sin has been identified - we fall short of Gods standard and deserve death. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice - he paid for our sins - now those who believe are justified, and stand righteously before God only by faith in what Jesus did not by our own works. So now what?! This is where new life begins, where not only does sin not have authority and power, but God does! Why do we still sin then? I think it is because we leave the presence of God. Why would anybody do that? Why did Adam and Eve do it? they believed a lie, and so do we. In the presence of God we are more than conquerors! Sin has no hold. We actually have to willingly step out of the presence of God to sin. We are not forced out or torn out of the presence of God. sometimes I wish those Cherubim would turn around and keep us in rather than keep evil out! :) but that is not Gods nature to force us. To triumph over sin we must be in his presence! We are safe there, and we have power there! The old rule that says you will end up like those you are around is true, hence I want to be in his presence!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Presence of God cannot be stolen

In my study of Romans the book I am reading talks about being able to be in the presence of God after salvation. It refers to the veil being ripped and God no longer being confined to the temple. The presence of God rested between to Cherubim on the ark of the covenant within the temple. Then I thought we are the temple of the Holy Spirit now, and he dwells within us. We have the presence of God within us! It made me wonder if there are cherubim surrounding me? Now, I have not really studied and it may be completely wrong, but it sure is an interesting thought. You know the Cherubim stood out side the garden of Eden to keep man from getting back in. They had flaming swords! (I want a flaming sword :) that would be cool!) This just hit me though... The Cherubim were protecting the presence of God from the enemy (us) at the gates of Eden. Now by the atonement made for our sin we are justified. It's gotta be like going to a concert and showing the cherubim the backstage pass! This is really cool. I gotta study this more! This got really deep really fast! Let me know what you think! have a great day!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Lostness of Humanity

I am studying Romans for my class this week. I wanted to share this great paragraph I read:

"You will never know the ecstasy of salvation until you know the depth of your sinfulness. You will never know how wonderful it is to be saved until you know how lost you really are. You will never know the price of your redemption until you know the terrible offensiveness of your sin. You will never know the purity of God until you face the corruption of your heart. And you will never know how high you have risen in Christ until you know how far you have fallen in sin."

I just thought that was a great point to remember this morning. Every time I grow in my walk with God it is because I understand on a deeper level what he did in my life, and I find myself once again amazed at the awesome grace and mercy of God!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am thankful for all that I have this morning. As I learn more and more about God I appreciate what he is doing, and how he provides. I am happy to be in debt to God! wow that sounds weird... but it is true. God owes me nothing, in fact from the very beginning of life I owed him, because he had already paid for all the sins I would commit in my life. I think that humanly speaking God would be about the worst banker in the world. He just keeps giving out no interest loans. No expectations of getting fully paid back! We are blessed beyond measure! Although I will never get God paid back, I want to try as hard as I can. I do that by being faithful to him, in all areas of my life. My marriage, family, through time in his word. Normally people hide from those they are in debt to, but God says, "Hey stop in any time! Do you need anything!" Just blows me away sometimes. God is amazing! Be thankful today!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Truth

I believe the Bible is true. I believe it is the inspired word of God. Truth is not something that is very common in the world. I have been compelled to speak truth in boldness lately. Being bold is something that is unnatural for me. I have gotten tired of being worried that I won't say the right thing or something I say will a negative effect in someones life, and I am tired of worrying if what I am speaking is not relevant in someones life. I have had such a self-consciousness that it has handicapped my ability in the past to minister to people in the fullness that God wants. Something has happened! There has been a break-through to a new level. The truth is the truth, and it is good! And I love the fact that it is not just a blabbering of different Bible verses, but a spirit led specific word for peoples lives! I remember when I played a lot of video games, and when I got to a new level I was excited to explore it and see what was there. I feel the same way now! Speaking truth is like turning on the light in a dark room. It reveals things, and changes perspective. I want to turn on some lights today!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Investing in People

I find myself so busy sometimes that I don't take time to share and listen to those around me on a personal level. I took some time this new years eve to do that and it was great! I love to hear what is going on in peoples lives, what struggles they face and then to offer hope and encouragement and truth. Time seems to get the best of me sometimes, but to pour into the lives of those who I have the privilege to lead is a privilege and an amazing responsibility! Just the fact that they are willing to be open and honest and share their hearts with me is a special thing that causes or friendship to grow. I have really been allowing God to stretch me lately, and I have been trusting him to give me the words to speak in these situations and also when I am praying for people, instead of using my own reasoning. At those points when the Holy Spirit guides my words it is him who is investing in people! It is great when I can encourage people, but lives change, bondage is broken, and people are set free when the Holy Spirit speaks to them! As I think about our theme for this year on service, I want to sacrifice my own words so I can serve God better!