Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have been reading about prayer this week and am finding out that it is one of the most simple things to do yet one of the most challenging. The key to successful prayer is being close to God. The goal is to be so close to God that we are praying his will and not our own. We have to look at the motives of our prayers. Is it for selfish reasons that we pray, or is it selfless. Will getting what we pray for boast our ego's out of control? Even if we pray for someone to be healed, will we give the glory to God or will we accept the praise of those who witnessed the miracle? Our hearts are corrupt in so many ways it almost feels like playing that "whack-a-mole" game. That is the game where all these moles pop of out holes on the board randomly and you are supposed to hit them on the head with a mallet to get points. (I bet PETA loves that game!) It seems that way when I want to try to pray in the most effective way sometimes. Selfishness... Whack! Ulterior motives.... Whack! My will not his.... Whack! oh no, selfishness again... Whack! I also think it is dangerous to stay to focused on the things we are doing wrong, because it can take our eyes off of God. We must push in towards him, whack the sin if it is between us and God and keep moving closer to him! Grabbing my mallet, and heading to class for the day! have a good one!

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