Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seeing Things Through the Eyes of the Kingdom

Mark 2:1-5 talks about Jesus healing the man that was brought in through the roof of his house. It seems like maybe he was at his parents house, if I am reading the passage correctly, but Picture this: Jesus is at his house and people are swarming to get to him, they are packed in there like sardines. all of the sudden stuff starts falling from the ceiling on Jesus and the people below, dust and bits of mud brick dropping down, and lowered down is this paralyzed man! Now, I know what I would have been thinking... "What are you doing to my roof!!! I gotta live here!" I would be thinking how rude of these people to do that to my house. But Jesus, responds differently than I would of course! He doesn't even mention the giant hole that they made, he only sees faith! He is looking through the eyes of the kingdom. He sees the spiritual not the physical. I wonder if when Cyrus draws me a nice picture on the wall in the living room if I will see the display of love from my son, or if I will flip out because of the wall... hmmm... I want to see things through the eyes of the kingdom of God today.

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