Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Filled with Compassion

I started reading the Gospel of Mark this morning. Chapter 1:40-45 talks about a man that comes to Jesus with leprosy, and kinda asks him a question and makes a statement of faith all at once. He says "if you are willing, you can make me clean" Jesus was filled with compassion, and reaches out and touches the man and and responds "I am willing. Be clean". The man was healed, but the interesting part comes next. He says don't tell anyone I did this! That always throws me off when I read that, but the thing is Jesus was in the beginning of his ministry and had a lot to do before his time to die, so it seems he just wanted to lay kinda low for little while longer. Yet, Jesus was filled with compassion and could not help but bring healing to this man who came to him in faith. Verse 45 says as a result of the man not being quiet Jesus could not enter a town openly. God's compassion is a powerful force. In a sense, healing this man made his ministry more difficult, but he was not willing to suppress his compassion for this man. I hope when the choice comes to show compassion or chose the easier road, I will be like Jesus and have compassion.

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