Wednesday, September 30, 2009

frustration or learning

I have been at a conference the last 2 days and I heard tons of information that I needed to apply. I found myself at times saying to myself "Am I doing anything right?" For a moment I hit a point of frustration, because it seemed like I had so much that needed to b done or changed. but then I remembered who I was surrounded by and the heart of the conference. it is to build up and teach. equip and encourage. to get frustrated would mean that I missed the whole point. after I realized this I was back on track. I know that Gods standards are very high and sometimes we can get frustrated when it feels like we r so far away from where we should b. We must keep the right perspective. just like the conference God wants to equip and encourage. keep striving for perfection and never give up! Proverbs 24:16 says that a righteous man falls 7 times but gets up again. if u have fallen, get up, and if u r up don't be afraid to try just because u may fall again.

I wrote this from my phone so excuse any typos... :) have a great day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Relationship to Embrace The Truth

The truth is the truth. There is such thing as absolute truth. Things that we can believe in no matter what. Things that don't change on experiences or circumstances. We have faith in those things. Have you ever been through something that someone else hasn't, and had the opportunity to help them through it? You know what needs to be done because you lived through it. you know the way to be successful, and you explain what you have been through and how you made it through. Yet they don't trust God or they don't trust you. Something very important needs to be in place for that truth to be accepted. Relationship must be present. not just relationship, but a solid relationship that has much trust. The more uncomfortable the truth that your sharing the more trust there must be in the relationship. For me to walk up to a stranger, and give them advice on what they need to do in there life is typically not going to be successful, unless of course God has been preparing them to hear what I have to say. I can tell my close friends anything. and they can tell me anything. The value of their words are far greater than those I don't know, or don't know as well. What are the value of Gods words to you today? Do you trust him? Will you accept his truths? Is there relationship, and is it solid and full of trust? I am so grateful for my relationship with Christ! He never gives me bad advice, and I can trust him completely. I am also thankful for close friends who can speak truth into my life and in many ways mirror the relationship i have with Jesus in human form. guide every relationship and make them deeper today Lord.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holiness is Obedience to God

I've been thinking about what exactly it means to be holy... Does it have to look a certain way? I thought about a couple of different examples from the Bible to look at. For instance, John the baptist was very separate from the world and lived what "we" would consider a very holy lifestyle. He got away from the world for the most part unless he was preaching and baptizing. He lived in the desert and ate locust and honey. He didn't drink wine and followed the law as "most people" thought it should be followed. Jesus on the other hand, did quite the opposite. He hung out with sinners, drank wine, touched the "unclean" which was considered an unholy thing to do. He and his disciples didn't wash their hands before they ate, which was a big no no in Jewish culture. So, what do we do with this... who is right? who is wrong? was Jesus right or was John the baptist? what is the holy way to live?

I think they were both right because they were obedient to God with the way they lived. God called John the baptist to be holy and separate. and Jesus lived a holy life among the sinners. There are things that are non-negotiable, like Christ died for our sins and he is the only way to eternal life. that does not change and is the hard fact. So, what is holy by God's standard is obedience to him, and he has different plans for all of our lives, and how we are obedient is different for each person. (except for the non-negotiable things that make up the foundation of our faith) I don't think being surrounded by worldly things is a sin. it can't be, otherwise Jesus was a sinner. I think this passage helps sum things up. Jesus said in Matthew 15:17-20 "Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.'" I think also, the things we hear, touch, taste, and smell, do not make us unholy. they can influence us that way. that is for sure. And if the influence does cause unclean things to come from our heart, we better get away from the influence.

Peter put what he thought was holy above obedience to God in Acts 10:9-16 as well, when he wouldn't eat the "unclean" animals. We can do all of the stereotypical things that the "good" christian should do and be very unholy if we are not being obedient to God. We shouldn't argue with God. Look at Hosea. God said go marry and have a family with this woman that will cheat on you constantly. What God??? are you serious!!!? Hosea did what God asked, so was he holy? Absolutely, because he was obedient to God. Does that mean we should all do what Hosea did? NO! Let me say that again. NO! lol We must discover what God is calling us to do, and live in obedience to him according to his plan for us. The point of this blog post is not to tell you that you have the freedom to go do whatever you want. It is not an excuse to sin. The point is to make think about what holiness is, and to enable people the freedom to follow God without feeling like they have to fit the stereotype of years past. Have a good day! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Relationship in Praise

I got to watch an online service last night, that was going on in Orlando. It was a great service! One of the biggest things that hit me was during the praise service. I was talking on Sunday with my friend Mary about music and how some of our praise songs are not truly praise songs. Traditionally our praise time is meant to be a time when we lift up Gods name and praise him, for how great he is. It seemed that some of our songs have gotten off base from that concept. Not that they are bad by any means, because they are all christian songs. It is just that they had seemed to of gotten away from praising God, and one song in particular seemed to be focused on how much God loves us, which is opposite of what is considered a traditional praise service. So, last night in the service they sang a song that was praising God very directly and very obviously. then they went into the next song that says "How he loves us, oh how he loves us" at first I was a little thrown off because I recognized the shift in focus moving from God to us. I mean, I love the song, it is one of my favorites actually, but it didn't fit into the box I put around what I thought praise should be. All of the sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. That song wasn't about us praising God it was a prophetic response to our praise! God has always been about relationship. and relationship must be bi-directional. God ripped my box up, and took me to a new level. I LOVE THAT! I love new revelation! interactive relationship in praise opens up a whole new realm of experience. We sang to him "Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord!" and he returned our blessing by blessing us by reminding us "he loves us! oh how he loves us!" I am thankful for a God that desires a relationship with me! We serve an amazing God!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meaningless Without Jesus

I read through Ecclesiastes over the last few days. This book of the Bible is so different from most of the other books. It talks about how life is meaningless. We live, we work, we go through troubles, and we die. Whether we are righteous or not death awaits us all, nothing can change that fact. We work, and we work to gain wealth and when we die it gets handed off to someone who didn't earn it. Depressing huh? lol yet... it's true. All of the tasks that we do are meaningless... unless we can make a spiritual impact. That is the thing that is not meaningless. Even if I gave millions of dollars to help the poor, if I don't do it for God and draw people closer to God it is still meaningless; even though it is a wonderful thing to do. If I can fix a customer’s broken computer equipment, that in and of itself is meaningless, but if while doing so I can make a spiritual impact, suddenly I have purpose and meaning to what I am doing. So, if we feel like what we are doing today is meaningless, perhaps we need to re-evaluate our motives, and figure out how we can make a difference that will last for eternity for someone. I love the fact that it is possible make an impact on someone’s life, that not only changes there life on earth but literally affects the rest of eternity for them. The things that matter are the things that do not pass away. So, there is no need to hoard money, and be obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder, and having the new car, and a new home. I want to make sure that I don't hold on to tightly to the things that I can't take with me when I die, but instead cling desperately to Christ the one who was, and is, and is to come. the alpha and the omega. the one who conquered death and therefore extends past death forever and ever!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We Are Not Too Holy

I read in Isaiah chapter 5 and 6 today. Chapter 5 talks about how corrupt Israel is. Society was falling apart, and people had completely rejected God and his law. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. "

In chapter 6, Isaiah, through a vision finds himself in the throne room of God. He knows the land where he just came from, and how evil it was. He says: "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." Then a seraph's flies over to Isaiah and touches his lips with the coal, and his sin is forgiven. I think it is important to not that the seraph does not have to touch the coal to his ears, or his eyes. think of all that Isaiah probably saw and heard other people doing. But the fact is that being around people that sin is not sin. God was concerned with Isaiah's own heart. Matthew 12:34 For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Certainly being around such evil as Isaiah was, would have been tough to not let it affect you, and I am sure on some level it did.

Isaiah was now pure, and sinless before God. Then God says "who can I send?" God is asking who can go back to this people. Isaiah, now sinless and pure before God, says "send me, I will go!" I love that Isaiah is willing and ready! I also love that he DIDN'T say, "Well, I can't go back there, I'm too good for them now!" Let's make sure we don't conform to the stereotype that the world has for Christians. Let's be different. Let's make a difference!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thankful for the Sacrifice

I am thankful for the sacrifice that was made and is continually made for my freedom here in the United States. As Robyn and I sat and watched with fireworks with friends and family that were able to join us (I missed those that couldn't be there by the way), I thought about the importance of showing Cyrus about sacrifice when he is old enough. It is a concept that I hope he will fully understand, and appreciate. As I watched the fireworks going off in the air, I was reminded what it must have been like. I don't think people sat in lawn chairs and said "awwww pretty..." When the real deal was happening, people were dying and, and at the same time freedom was being won. How bitter sweet it must have been! Those that died had something inside of them that said, if I don't make it out of here alive at least there is still a chance that my family and friends can enjoy freedom. dude... that is sacrifice. It is one thing to do something for your own gain. It is another to sacrifice your all, for someone elses gain. I am thankful that I have a cause worth dieing for today. Lord, help us to die to self so others can gain there Independence from the grip of the enemy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Embracing the Imperfect

I love that God embraces us even though we are not perfect. How can he do that? Why would he do that? God has a unique way of looking at us. Past our fears, and failures and many imperfections, God looks... Deep inside, at the very core of who we are, he sees us! he sees the remnant of what he has created. He sees the heart of his son or daughter. Yes, it is corrupt, and it too is imperfect, but instead of throwing it out and starting over, we serve a God who is into restoring. Just like the mechanic that sees a beat up old car in the junk yard, but buys it and fixes it up to perfect condition, this what Jesus does. he's not so concerned about the current condition, but sees the potential condition that it could be restored too. I want to see people the way that God does! I want to do the ground work for him, and spot the potential treasures. Simply because I love to see that restoring process! It is amazing! It takes time, and it takes patience, but it's worth it! I love to tell those that are broken, how wonderful they are! Sometimes I do see what God sees, and others may think, "why is he excited over them. What is he wasting his time there for... They are a lost cause!" NO NO NO! They are not a lost cause... They are actually the greatest of treasures!!! Just wait, and you will see!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I was studying yesterday about prayer, and was reminded of something that I have not been doing a very good job of. Praying for things in detail. Being specific when I go to God. I learned the other day that if I begin to to get out of touch with the Lord, my prayers become more general, and less specific. for instance, I may pray for a person that needs it, and sometimes it starts out very specific, then after that It is, "Lord, help this person with there problem" Then "Lord, be there for them", and then I can get to point, where I am praying "Lord, be with everyone today", "Help everyone today"... As the prayers get more generic, they lose effectiveness. God wants us to "will" what we pray not simple "wish" for something to happen. When we will something we are willing to work for it, to go after it. basically, we really care about it and are passionate, to act on what we are praying for. Wishing, is kinda like praying for people to be saved, and not actually sharing Christ with them. We have specific things in our hearts that God wants us to pray for, things we are passionate about, and people we are compassionate for. We must go to God in certainty and in faith. As we get closer to him, his specific will becomes our will. When that happens we will truly see the power of prayer.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thankful for My Part in the Big Plan

We had a mission's filled day yesterday, as we interacted with 2 different missionaries. As I listened to the testimonies of what God was doing, I was encouraged. We are all in this together! No one person can reach everyone. Yet everyone can do something. I am thankful for my part in a bigger plan. As I think about those whose lives I have been privileged to be a part of, I am reminded that relationships like this are happening all over the world! People are being led to Christ, and discipled. Peoples hearts break for one another, as we are filled with compassion to minister to those that are hurting, and need to experience the love of Jesus. I am amazed that when I feel over-whelmed and drained, and have nothing left to give, something deep inside rises up and gives me the strength to go on. That something deep inside is the Holy Spirit! I am reminded of the passage in Mark:

Mark 1:40A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." 41 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!"

Jesus was willing to touch the unclean, he was willing to enter into the unclean part of this mans life. Are we willing to touch the leprosy of our generation? Are we willing to deal with drugs, alcohol, sexual issues, and depression? Or are we to scared that we might become unclean ourselves? We need to be careful I know, but I refuse to live in fear of showing Gods love just because, I put myself at risk being around dangerous things. We are not called to live safe lives, wrapped in bubble wrap. I pray that God would protect us, and give us wisdom and discernment as we go, because not every situation is for us personally to deal with. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit. Lets change someones world today! Compassion wells up inside of me today... I am willing...

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Amazing

It is amazing how it all works you know? As humans we are broken, flawed, and weak. We are so fragile emotionally and physically. The intelligence that we have been given is greater than any other creature on earth, yet on the full scale of knowledge we know a little more than nothing. A war wages for our souls, in a realm we cannot see. our choices although our own, are influenced by this war, and at the same time our choice (the big choice) ultimately decides the victor of war for our own soul. Loved ones are lost, hearts are broken, friendships are lost, we often time find ourselves living in fear. Some days, nothing seems to go right. Our lives are mess. we are unstable, unworthy, and ungrateful for any good things in our lives. We continually fall short of our goals. Failing over and over and over again. yet.... For some reason, God sees us. Even in our screwed up world, God plants hope, love, and power into our lives! It's amazing! We don't deserve that! Not only, does he give us hope for our own lives, but we are his plan to share this hope with the world! Sometimes I ask myself; "WHAT IS HE THINKING!!!" What amazing power he has! Even when we are beaten and bruised, emotionally and physically; something in our spirit can rise up contrary to everything in our lives that is against us in our surrounding environment, and in our head, and truth is spoken! Walls come down! People are set free! Something from God flows into us and out of us, like a mighty wrecking ball, and destroys the enemy. I think it is like driving down the street in a rusty old beat up car. Satan laughs at our attempt to lurch down the street, and then the NOS (Nitrous Oxide Systems) kicks in and his jaw drops.. and he is reminded...
2 Corinthians 4:5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. 6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.

Jesus is Amazing!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick to Love - Slow to Judge

I have been thinking a lot about judging people and standing up for the truth. Where is the balance here? If I say something is wrong that someone is doing, aren't I judging them? Can I just judge the sin and not the person...? idk.. Certainly, I shouldn't just ignore and turn my head to the bad things that people do right? (I can tell this whole post is going to be pretty random, so, I am sorry but try to follow along) I read in Romans 14 today and it is addressing the issue of what food is right and what food is wrong to eat. Paul says: who cares? let people do what they want to do in this area. Don't judge them. Who are you to judge anyway? he doesn't think that any food is unclean, but if someone does that is ok if that is what they want to believe, because they are doing so unto God. that is very interesting, because we obviously can't apply that to every situation can we? I don't think so. If we did it would be complete anarchy. I have learned this over the years: people are much more willing to accept criticism of there life, if they first know that you love them. Not just pretend to love them, but truly love them. When we tell someone we don't know that what they are doing is wrong, they get defensive right? but if approach someone you have a good relationship with you can do that, and they understand that what you are doing is trying to help, because there is a foundation of love. The key to everything we do for Christ is that we must do it in love. quick to love, slow to judge... maybe that should be the rule to live by... Lord, help me understand this!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What Lies Within Us

I love to learn new things about people. It is great to find hidden talents that people have, and encourage them to use them for God's glory. We are so self-conscious that many die never really doing anything with the gifts and talents God has given them. Why do we hesitate to share these things? I think it is because the things that are truly from God expose who we are as a person down to the very core of our being. If we were rejected when we showed our talent, then it would crush us. It would not only be a rejection of our talent, but a rejection of everything that we are.

Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

1 Peter 4:10 10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

There is a connection between the gifts that God has given us and our spirit. I think that is why it is so sensitive. It ties into our purpose in life. We must be willing to step out in faith, and expose our purpose and pour out our hearts to this world; "administering God's grace in its various forms"...

Friday, May 22, 2009


Forgive my lack of discipline over the last two weeks!!! :) It has been so busy lately it has been crazy! I also, have been meeting with some people in the mornings for breakfast, and that has kinda thrown a kink in the whole blog thing... So, I gotta get something worked out because I like blogging, and I need to blog. It is good for me! Last night I went home and took a nap for a couple of hours and it was wonderful. It has pretty much been a couple weeks of 16-17 hour days, and my poor body revolted last night. lol It felt so good to rest! I am thankful for awesome friends who encourage me and lift my spirit through the week. It kept me going! :) anyways...

We are getting ready to launch a series on "Reality" for the summer at youth. It is one we have done in the past, and it is really powerful. I want to talk about the reality of the issues of our world today, and also about the reality of who Jesus really is. Many times our views of him are messed up. It is my desire to lead people in a walk with God that is not fake, and one that permeates every part of there life. That means it is more than just church on Sunday. The fact is that Jesus probably wouldn't be welcome in most of our churches today, because he would be to extreme. His views and actions would be way to radical! The reality is that he is the "lamb of God" but he is also the "Lion of Judah". He is not tame, he is not controllable. What is the reality? Let's throw everything on the table and look at it. Do we just believe it because we have always believed it? If so , maybe we are wrong... I'm excited about this! I am excited about truth being revealed perhaps for the first times in peoples lives, and I am excited for genuine walks with God that are real!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Value of Proverbs

When I meet with my friend Max on Wednesday mornings, we each flip through the book of Proverbs and pick one out, and talk about it. The wisdom in this book of the Bible is unmatched by any other writing. I continually need reminded of right and wrong. I think it is interesting how we can get in complex situations and struggle with what decision to make, but when we boil that tough situation down to what it really is; there you will find a proverb that spells it out black and white what the righteous would do. It brings the simple truths of life into light, and guides us to live like Jesus. When we step back and look at our situation and forget about our self-centered emotions for second, what we need to do is simple in most cases. I am thankful that God gives me easy to understand instruction for my life!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Putting Away the Church Mask

As I deepen friendships with our youth, it becomes more obvious to me everyday, that we must be real. For far to long church people have felt the need to put on the "life is perfect because I have Jesus mask" Here is the harsh reality... Life sux sometimes... No, I am not having a bad day today. lol :) I actually am having a really good day! It's just something I have been thinking about lately. I think if we have a bad day, it's ok to display that. It is ok to say, life isn't "peachy" right now. Where in world did we get this idea that life on Earth had to be perfect? Jesus certainly didn't say that. I think it is from the preaching of "come to Jesus and he will fix all your problems". The truth is someday all of our problems will be gone. Jesus will make it all disappear, but for the time being we do have tough things to go through and tough situations to be in. Jesus is with us through them all, and I am thankful for that. He supplies grace and blessings in our lives. In the midst of the storms of life, a Bible verse offers hope, a friend comes along beside you, an unexpected blessing arrives, or an answer to prayer. I think that prideful fake perfection has killed evangelism in the church, especially among the younger generation. They want to hear, that we are having a bad day, if we are. They see right through fake! Jesus never told us to lie about how we were feeling. He didn't say, "ok guys, we have to make this look like it is the best thing ever!" The fact is... It is the best thing ever. We don't have to pretend! We don't have to try make God look good. He can handle that. I do love the fact that even in the worst of situations I can say. My hope is in Jesus, and I know that he will bring me through! I want to put the mask away, and just be me, and who I am in Christ. I am still a work in progress and I shouldn't have to hide that. God is good, and I love him! I hope you have a great day! -but if you don't that's ok... :) God is still good!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Healing the Open Wounds

I read in Isaiah 1 today.

Isaiah1:5 Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted.
6 From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness-- only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with oil.

I have been praying lately for wounds of the past to be healed in peoples lives. Whether they caused there own wounds, or were simply an innocent bystander. As we discussed in Bible study last night, it is Gods will to heal. The physical wounds are easy to see, but in our lives we have many wounds emotionaly and spiritually. God wants to heal these too! Sometimes these wounds are so deep that our whole heart is afflicted. The hurts of the past consume the present, and make the future look dim. Forgiveness is the key. Whether you recieve forgiveness from God, or you forgive someone else. It is the only way to heal the wounds of the past, and there is no reason to try to keep our old wounds hidden from Jesus. I am praying today that we would all allow Jesus to bandage and sooth our wounds with oil. Bring healing today Lord!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Great Weekend!

I had a great weekend. Very busy, but great! Friday night I hung out with some guys and watched Lord of the Rings. Saturday morning, worked with our youth to clean the church, then went home and got outside in the amazing weather we had! Mowed the yard, and cut down a dead pine tree. Then back to the church to setup for BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge). Sunday morning, was a ton of fun with the younger kids, and another teenager got saved on Sunday morning, which is really exciting! then we had Robyn's grandmas birthday lunch at Pizza Ranch. After that is was back to the house to setup for games food and a bonfire for youth group that night. Then Monday morning hit! :) I'm glad God gives me strength to do all these things! Today I have been thinking about the future, and trying to dream a bit. Where does God want us to go? How can we better help people in there walks with God? How can we make a bigger impact? Harlan, and surrounding areas are on my heart today. I just want to serve. Love God... Love People... Lord Guide us!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love God.... Love People... Be Like a Child...

One of the the great themes of the week was to love God, and to love people. I am thankful for the wisdom of our speaker Dick Foth this week, as he spoke these simple words so impactfully. It is a simple message that all can understand. Seriously, if we can do that we will be successful to further God's kingdom. I have noticed something over the last several months. It is something that if I get it now, can make a huge impact on my life and others around me. Children, that are brought up in good homes very easily love God and love people. Typically, they are very quick to forgive when offended as well. As we get older, and become more independent things change and we get away from that. As young adults we are at the "prime of our lives"! or are we??? If I were to stereotype my age group, I would say that generally we are consumed, with making a name for ourselves, in business, in ministry, and in the community. After years of hard work, we will slowly begin to realize that we ONLY need to love God, and love people; like a child does. Those who are wise come full circle. realizing that the perspective they had when they started, is the one they should have kept. We can do all of these great things in buisness, ministry, and community to glorify God, but I often battle that pride that sneaks in. Those thoughts come to mind... "Hey look at you!" - "These people should be thankful to have you around" - "This great thing couldn't have happened unless you were here". Love God! Love People! Love God! Love People! Oh, I pray for wisdom that I can gain this understanding now. I want to make a name for you Lord. To you be all the glory!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Is it from God or Not?

I often battle with the thoughts that I have. I ask myself, "was that from God, or was it just a random thought?" I begin to rationalize and think away things of God. To often I believe I have held things in when I should have shared. I have thoughts like, what did I do today that would have caused me to think that?, or better not say that, because if you are wrong, it may make you and God look foolish. I want to be sensitive to what God is saying and be obedient to him. I have seen and heard stories of many fools, and false prophets who "have a word from God" and it is totally off base. The thing is, just because some people have messed this up doesn't mean that God doesn't speak to us in that way. I am trying to step out more. To share the thoughts that God has given me. You know, sometimes I may be wrong, but that is ok. We live and we learn. Especially when what we are sharing lines up with his word, we can be confident and share if he asks us to share. I am thankful that God is patient and kind, and I am thankful he is a great teacher. Lord help us to hear you today, and be confident in what you ask us to do!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Justifying the Wicked

That title sounds like it would be a bad thing to do right?

Proverbs 17:15 15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

That actually isn't the verse where I first found the justifying the wicked thing...

Romans 4:5 5 However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.

These are a couple of interesting verses to compare... :) I think I understand the difference though. Proverbs is talking about man justifying the wicked, and Romans is talking about God who justifies the wicked. So the difference is that man can't justify the wicked in the way that God can. Jesus has the right to do so, not because he is God and can excuse wickedness if he feels like it, but he can justify because he paid the price for the wickedness. If we as humans try to justify the wicked we are only saying sin is acceptable. actually even worse. We are saying it is righteous. I didn't mean for this to get into the gay marriage deal, but that just came to mind. To say that it is OK, to make it righteous, is an abomination to the Lord. We can't justify sin. We don't have the authority or the capability to do so. When we justify sin, we glorify sin... not cool... Wow, where would we be without a God that loves us, so much that he paid the price for our sins, so that we can stand before him righteous! I mean, I can't imagine not having that hope, that faith that assures me that I am going to be OK. I am thankful that I, though in and of myself am wicked, stand justified before God today!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fresh Fire on Hot Coals

There are 2 different elements about camp fires that I want to talk about today. There is flame, and hot coals. Flame is great, it provides a good light, and reaches out to consume what is around it, but without hot coals, the fire will not last too long and can be difficult to get started without a base of coals. but with hot coals, the flames start easy, as long as you have something for the flames to consume. I think the church has a lot of hot coals right now. A lot of people who are red hot for God. Their faith is strong, and there walks with God are solid. However, a camp fire is not much of a campfire, without flame. It is missing something, it is tame, and not nearly as aggressive as flames are, and it is incomplete and slowly dying. Coals need flames and the flames needs coals. The amazing heat of the coals feeds the flame, and what is left after the flame adds to the coals. We need more fresh fire, more evangelism, to cause more people to come to Christ to be the flames of the kingdom. As the new believers sin is consumed by the power of the cross and they are refined, they reach out to others! The other interesting thing, is that the hot coals can have flame on them when it is hot enough. If there are enough flames around and it gets hot enough, the flames will actually reside on hot coals around the flames. when they are around other flames. God, give us more fresh fire, blow on the coals, and consume our communities with your salvation!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Surfing on the Wave of His Revelation

I have about 50 things I could blog about this morning, and I have finally decided what to do. :) I have been amazed the last two weeks about God's plans, and how he is so intimately involved in every situation. The so called "coincidences" that have occurred are pretty much blowing my mind. In every situation good or bad, God is there, he has a way to overcome, he has a way to capitalize on everything! I have seen his plan unfolding, and the ever so tiny part of his plan that I see is totally amazing me. I feel like I am surfing on the wave of God's revelation! I have paddled and paddled I tried to catch the wave of God, and missed it completely or only lasted a short time, only to fall back into the ocean of his grace. Right now I am enjoying the ride, and working hard to keep my balance, and watch the changing and the shifting of the wave. On this ride some are taking some hard hits from the enemy. Others are overwhelmed by God's love, others are saying and doing things that they have no idea of the spiritual significance of there statements or actions, yet in all of these cases it is furthering the Kingdom of God.

Romans 8:27-28 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Praise God! Lord help us to stay on the edge of fresh revelation today! Have a great day everyone!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Red Culture

Later today we will depart to Des Monies for the Red Culture Convention! It is exciting because it is breaking out of the normal routine for youth convention as we know it. I am excited to reach new levels and new souls this weekend! Our teenagers are going to be performing some drama skits that they have been working on and it is going to be awesome! I am praying that great things are going to take place. I am excited about the theme. "Red Culture" "living life in the red" In many Bibles the words that Jesus spoke are written in red. Our goal is to create a culture that is based on the words of Jesus. It really is a powerful movement that is going to start among our young people this weekend. If you look at the entire time span of history and realize that Jesus was here in the flesh for only 33 years or so. actually ministering for only about 3 years, I gotta believe that the things he said were the most important things that we needed to know. (not that the rest of the bible is not important) I am excited to live life in the red this weekend, and to continue on after the weekend is over. I am praying that this is not just an event but the beginning of a movement!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kindness leads to repentence

Romans Chapter 2 verse 4 says "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" I think this is a very key verse in this chapter for me this morning. The beginning of chapter 2 talks about judging people, and basically says, not to! :) I think that verse 4 puts a good handle on things and is one of the many great things about God. Other religions thrive on fear and on an individual earning there right to be in a good place with their god or gods. Many times condemnation brings fear, anger, and even further rebellion. It seems to be such a fine line to walk sometimes to speak truth, and yet not come across as being condemning or judgemental. According to this verse, kindness is the key. To drive someone to Christ out of fear is just wrong. Fear (as in being scared) is not of God. He came to destroy things like fear. We need to lead people to Jesus because of his kindness, and patience and forgiveness, which is ultimately his love for us. Coming to Jesus out of a fear of going to hell is missing the point. It takes away the idea of relationship, and that is very dangerous. It leads to empty religion. I hope I can show kindness today, and keep the judgements under control! Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trading in Natural for Unnatural

I am starting to read Romans now, and in chapter 1 it talks about how people have traded natural relations with unnatural relations with one another. It also talks about trading the truth of God for a lie. I am hesitant to talk about this topic because "Christians" have many times dealt with this sin inappropriately when they see it in other peoples lives. As a result of that it makes people angry when someone brings up God and this topic. Yet I am feeling compelled to share my view of how I think God sees this. First of all, the Bible defines homosexuality, and lesbianism, as sin. That in and of itself is the big controversy today. You may ask, how can it be sin if it is love? God is love right? Why would he be against this? When we exchange the natural for the unnatural we fall away from his plan of perfect love. His way and his love are natural. People throughout history have had a warped views of love. The man who hits his wife and then tells her he loves her, or the serial killer who "loved" his victims. Obviously these are extreme examples, and people were hurt or killed, but still, it was a view that was held as love that nearly all would agree as being false and twisted. I want to walk in God's natural love, if others choose not to, that is between them and God. You know what else is un-natural to God's ways? Further on in chapter 1 of Romans, it talks about the depraved mind. some of the adjectives it uses to describe the depraved mind are: senseless, heartless, ruthless... So, as Christians if we deal with any sin being senseless, heartless, and ruthless to another person we are no better... just a thought. I am praying that people will accept pure love, God's natural love. I am also praying that I will display this natural love through my words and actions today. In my opinion gay marriage is a minor issue in the scheme of things. The real question is, Do you know Jesus as your personal savior...? If so all the other things will fall into place as you continue to walk with him.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I heard a podcast yesterday from Kris Vallotton, he said that "Psychologist say that we have 1,200 words a minute of self-talk, and about 1,100 of them are negative thoughts."

We are in spiritual warfare. Those negative thoughts are not our own. They are from the enemy. We are constantly influenced, and we need to fight back. God does not tear us down. He does not destroy our self-image. We are made in his image, and he is not going to talk bad about himself! We need to constantly be filling our minds with what God says about us, in doing so we can destroy self-doubt, depression, anxiety, or really any other limiting factor of that sort. If we believe it is our thought, then we can debate whether it is true or not. We need to recognize that those negative thoughts we have about ourselves are not the truth, but are actually put in our minds to destroy us. I don't know how many times I have not done something God wanted me to do, because I didn't think I could do it, because I wasn't good enough, or to scared to try. When we realize those thoughts are not our own, but instead they are a spiritual attack, we can overcome them through Christ.

1 John 5:4-6 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 6 This is the one who came by water and blood-- Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It doesn't always have to be the same

Reading in Mark chapter 14 today. It is pretty evident that Jesus and the disciples did a lot to help the poor. I think that is further backed up in this chapter when Jesus is anointed with perfume. They had probably sold pretty much all the things that people had given them to help provide for the poor. I think that perhaps the disciples had grown accustomed to this and that is why they were upset that this woman had used the perfume "wastefully" from there point of view. I am convinced more and more, that we need to stop trying to figure out patterns of God, and just try to figure out how to keep listening to him. This time was different. It wasn't for the poor, yet it was still the right thing to do! No doubt, in situations like these when we try to understand and predict God's next move in our human logic, we will certainly fail. Of course there are many things about the character of God that do not change, but how he applies those character traits to our lives is always different and up for change at any time. Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I can hear the rhythm of the lion of the tribe of Judah

Reading in Mark chapter 13 today. It talks about end times, and the return of Jesus. My attitude toward trouble in the world has changed over the last year. I certainly am not glad to see people suffering and I have compassion for those that are in war, or famine, or suffering with disease, but something inside of me also has a sense of excitement, because we are that much closer to the Jesus coming back! Every event that happens it is like I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Jesus). Time is running short and we must be influencers in our culture, and better yet influencers in other cultures! With the diversity in America we can enter into a different culture by going across town, or even just down the street. I really want to make sure I keep my ear attuned to the rhythm of the lion of the tribe of Judah. It spurs me on, keeps me going. just like a timed game, the closer it is to time running out the faster and harder you push to get the most you can done. As the roar and footsteps gets louder, I want to keep going strong. It is go time!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I thought a lot about influence yesterday. We can be influenced or we can influence. At different times they both can be good or bad. In Mark chapter 12 the Pharisees came up to Jesus and said:

Mark 12:14 14 They came to him and said, "Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.

Of course these kind words from the pharisees were only to set him up for a trap, but they are still true. Jesus was never influenced in an unhealthy way. He didn't change his stance right before he was crucified to try to get out of it, he also did not let the total lost-ness of man depress him, or the fact that people were out to destroy him bring him down to the point were it disabled him from doing what needed to be done. I don't think Jesus ever thought he had a bad day. Obviously he had very difficult days. Jesus was influenced by his Father, and lead by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is influenced positively to compassion by people that are hurting. We need to be influencers of truth in peoples lives, and not influenced by lies. No matter how bad the situation is there is a truth of God that should allow us continue on in faith. If we are influenced by lies we become bound up, trapped, caught in a downward spiral. The truth of God loosens, releases and breaks the spiral. Lord influence me today, and help me to influence others today with your truth!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Being a Servant Surrounded by Praise

I read about the Triumphal Entry this morning. (Mark 11) It was cool to read that this morning, because we just discussed someones perspective on that passage last night at men's Bible study. Last night in the "Externally Focused Church" book that we are studying, we talked about how this donkey was being ridden by Jesus. As he came into town all of the palm branches were waving and being laid before him on the ground. The crowd cheered! For a moment the author says, the donkey may have thought all of this commotion was for him. After all he was the one doing all the work that day, but it wasn't. He then goes on to say that we are to be that donkey, and take Jesus with us, and we must remember that none of the praise and non of the glory belongs to us. It is hard to keep that perspective sometimes, because we receive so many blessings. The donkey got to walk on palm branches, He felt all the excitement being directed in his direction. When we are with Jesus blessings abound, we should rejoice, but remember all glory goes to him. I am thankful that he had me untied from the post of sin, so I can serve him.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Physical Health and Spiritual Health

I had two different discussions this morning before 9:00 am about the desire to get in shape physically. I actually really enjoy working out, but I certainly haven't always done it regularly. Sometimes it does not have the priority it should have. Sometimes I have things of greater importance to do, other times I don't want to pay for a gym membership cause I am cheap! :) However, it is important to work out physically. It is important for the obvious reason of being healthy physically, but it is also important for our spiritual lives. I feel healthier spiritually when I am healthier physically. I have more energy, to do the things of God. It is a worthy investment to do something everyday to improve our physical health, as it is a worthy investment to do something to improve our spiritual health. Here is one of those things that does not make a lot of since logically - If you are tired all the time, go work out so you wont be tired... :) It's true though! initially of course you will be tired, but overtime energy seems to increase. The physical affects the physical and the spiritual. Just a the spiritual affects the spiritual and the physical (healings and things like that). We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so we should take care of ourselves. Also, it is time for an increase in our energy level as Christians. It is a worthy investment to the kingdom!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bringing Children to Jesus

Reading in Mark chapter 10 today. I like this passage:

Mark 10:13-16 13 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.

It is our job as parents and as a church to bring little children to Jesus so he can touch them. It is the greatest time to accept Christ! Before the world has an opportunity to wound and scar them. It is a great responsibility to raise Cyrus, and it is a great responsibility to help other kids that don't know Jesus to get to know him. I'm convinced that we need to do more... God is good, and he will help us. Have a good day, and a good weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Serving with a pure heart

Mark 9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

Here is another example about how God operates different than we do. To be honest I am struggling a bit with a concept I have heard taught before, and I need to do more study on it. But I would like to hear what all of you think! I was thinking the other day about faith vs works in terms of salvation. I believe that we are saved by faith, not by our works, and I thought, how can someone do a good works to achieve salvation, because everything that they do would have a hidden and selfish motive, (their own salvation). So how good is that work if you have these motives ultimately. So, now "Christians"; if we are saved by faith and do good works to get a reward in heaven, how pure are our motives for good works if we are just in it for the reward in heaven? I know there are verses to support getting a reward in Heaven.

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things DONE IN THE BODY, according to what He has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)

"... and each one will receive His own reward ACCORDING TO HIS OWN LABOR." (1 Corinthians 3:8)

"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone ACCORDING TO HIS WORK." (Revelation 22:12)

I don't know... Perhaps we just need to forget about the rewards and do what we need to do, and be a servant with a pure heart, and then let God worry about the reward. We need to do good works because we love people, not for a reward. Chime in here! let me know what you think! Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Confrontational Jesus

Yesterday was a busy day, dealing with issues after the storms rolled through the area the night before, so I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. But today I do! I read in Mark chapter 8. Jesus loves us, and is very compassionate, but he is also confrontational. Not for the sake of confrontation, but for the sake of being obedient to his father and to be truthful and loving. To accept the loving Jesus only is comfortable, and pleasant and works out well for us. To accept Jesus fully for who he is a lot tougher! For me personally to live like confrontational Jesus is really difficult. I don't like to cause problems. I want everyone to be happy. But the question is do I love them enough to be confrontational. Jesus in chapter 8 goes through the whole multiplication of loaves of bread and fish for all the people following him for the second time, and the disciples still really don't get it. Later, he tells Peter, "Get behind me Satan" The Pharisees want a sign from him and he doesn't give them one, and then later talks to the disciples about the yeast of the pharisees, and they are still on the bread thing! And I think Jesus gets a little aggravated with them. I am convinced that I need to work more on be confrontational at the right times and in the right way, yet still be loving and compassionate. One of our students shared something in youth service on Sunday that was right on. I later had a separate conversation with someone who had positively been confrontational and made a difference in someones life that day. When things like that happen back to back, it is usually safe to say God is trying to tell you something. Have a great day everyone!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The God Factor

I read about the story of when Jesus feeds the 5,000 people to 5 loaves of bread and two fish. Under normal circumstances this would have been impossible, but with the God factor it was made possible. God not only can take bread and fish and multiply it to be enough, he takes you and I and can multiply the very limited amount that we have to offer God and use it to many great things. KJ-52 is a christian rap artist, and that is what the 5-2 stands for in his name. He knew he didn't have much to offer God what what had he gave, and God has multiplied it as he reached many many students in the generation. Are you feeling like you have nothing to offer today? Do you feel like you don't have enough money, enough energy, or enough love to go around? Offer yourself to Jesus and he will multiply what you can do on your own! I am needing this today after a busy but great weekend! Have a great day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Abnormal becomes Normal

I read this morning about the demon possessed man. This is the guy that had a legion of demons inside of him. He was barbaric and out of control. He was a mad man, who was tormented day and night, and roamed the countryside out of control. Most are familiar with the story I would assume, but Jesus comes and casts the demons out of the man and into a herd of pigs. The pig then jump off the cliff and drown, and the man is normal again. This is the part that made me think. Check this out:

Mark 5:14-17 14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16 Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man-- and told about the pigs as well. 17 Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

These people had made what was abnormal normal in there lives. The demon possessed man was supposed to be that way according to them. It was just a part of life. Jesus did a great thing, but change was just too much for these people. I think we should ask God, in what areas of our lives has the abnormal become normal. When we do this successfully, the things of this world are what become abnormal. Living in pain and sickness should be what is abnormal, but often it is normal. Normal should be the kingdom of God...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Things work in the Kingdom

Mark 4:26-29 26 He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain-- first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."

These few verses are speaking a lot to me this morning. In fact I am not quite sure where to start. Um... Well, I know that when we plant things here on Earth we have to do a lot more than just scatter seed. We prep the ground, by softening it up, then spread the seed, then water, then pull weeds out, and put up a fence around it so animals don't come in and eat the plants, keep watering, and pulling weeds, and hopefully if the weather was cooperative you may have a harvest... Jesus is pointing out a key difference between the kingdom of God and Earth. In Heaven, the land of grace (unmerited favor), we can simply by faith believe, and great things will come of it. Faith is our seed that are planted, and nothing else is required of us, and then we reap the benefits that we have not earned. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is here and available to us. We need to plant our seeds of faith in kingdom soil, because there are things God wants us to do that we cannot work hard enough to do right. We just need to have faith in him and believe. Lord, help us to scatter seed on kingdom soil today!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Heart of a new church

God really laid on my heart a thought about local church evangelism. In a meeting the other day we heard about all of the new ideas for outreach that have been done and things are going to be done in the near future for the Audubon church that is freshly launched. There is something about the heart of a quality church that is freshly planted. It is hungry, it is eager to reach as many people as possible. It is not comfortably full, or maybe a better way to say it is that it is not comfortably numb to the outside world. A new church needs to reach out to survive. In reality so does an old church, it is just that sometimes we live in a disillusioned state, that says things can stay the same forever. I believe we do a good job of sharing our faith with the community, but it is still good to throw another log on the evangelism fire. I think all established churches that have been around need to retain or rather regain the heart of a new church! just a thought.... :) Have a good afternoon everyone!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Uprising

I am impressed with what I see in the hearts of our youth at the church. I am seeing faith. not just an inner faith, but a faith that steps out, and allows exposure. I see desire, and willingness to do whatever it takes to serve Jesus. They have a recognition of imperfection in there lives and understand that they are not perfect and that is no excuse to go for it. (We all should have that by the way! :) ) I love it when I push them to do great things, and they push me to do great things, because the fact is that we are on this journey together. I certainly do not have all the answers, it is simply nice to travel with company that has the same goals. I have been excited about what I believe to be a word for us as well as other Churches. "We will have break through corporately when as individuals we seek the face of God not just corporately, but even more personally" That is paraphrased by the way. I feel like grabbing a surf board and catching this wave, because it is going to be quite a ride! There is an uprising happening!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Man made for the law or the law made for man?

Reading Mark chapter 2 this morning, Jesus and his disciples pick some grain on the sabbath. The Pharisees accused him of working on the sabbath ( a day of rest). Jesus responds about one of the heroes of Jewish faith named David, and how he took bread that was only supposed to be for priests and "broke the law" too. The next thing he says is my favorite part and really speaks to me. Mark 2: 27 Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. This is a great statement! The law was not given to be our master, but to be a guide. First of all to Christ, and secondly to righteous living in Christ. Jesus tipped the scale so the law was no longer above us, and instead, we were above it through the sacrifice of Christ. That is so cool. No longer do righteous works have this hidden or even not so hidden motive of salvation, but now we can do good works with a pure heart, and without anything selfish inside of us! It is great to be free today!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Violence of Salvation

I am having trouble sleeping this morning because this message is on my mind. I cannot help but think about how misunderstood the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is in our culture today. We have watered down, put in a box, and customized the Gospel message for the convenience of whoever we are speaking to about it, when in reality it is a potent, uncontainable, and black and white message. It's terms are not negotiable, and they are not different for each person. The act of salvation results in peace, but leading up to and during salvation is an amazing amount of violence. I was flipping through the radio stations yesterday in the car and I came across a preacher who was talking about evangelism and why it is so offensive to people. He says "In reality what we are doing to people when we share the Gospel is threatening their lives". What he says is true! It is a threat. It is threat to the sinful life they are currently living. The Bible says we are to die to sin. 1Peter2:24 "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed." Our sinful nature sees that as a threat! The battle over the hearts of people is violent and vicious. No part of a battle is more intense than the point when either side could win, and both sides are trying to tip the momentum scale in their favor. It is the moment when both sides are going to figure out who will win. So it is leading up to and at the point of salvation. At that point of accepting Christ the power of our sinful nature in our lives is destroyed. As our sinful nature dies, the righteousness of Christ begins to live in us. And even though sin is annihilated and we die, we (by the power of the cross) are wonderfully alive! I know it sounds crazy. (1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel-- not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.) Their is no easing into salvation. You either have it or you don't. So do you? A war wages for your soul today, and fortunately we are living in an age of grace and mercy. An age when we can be forgiven. If you approach Christ he will not reject you! However, this time of grace and mercy will not last forever, and soon it will be to late. Trust Jesus today. Begin to live with him in your heart here on Earth, and you will live with him in all eternity in Heaven. The way the battle for your heart ends is up to you!
consider the following verses:

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 10:13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Revelation3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

God bless - be victorious today!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Heaven Being Torn Open

I'm going to read through Mark again even though I did in January. I started in the logical spot (chapter 1). After Jesus came up out of the water after being baptised he saw Heaven being torn open. When Heaven was torn open two things happened. The Spirit descended upon him, and he heard his fathers voice. We need Heaven to be torn open above us! This was a defining moment in Jesus' life. It was a launching point for his ministry. When Heaven is torn above us we can receive direction or confirmation from our heavenly father and the power and authority to carry out his will. I am reminded of a song that we sang at camp a few years ago.

Let it rain
let it rain
open the floodgates of Heaven

I think about how great Jesus was even before his baptism even though there is not a lot written, we do know that he was without sin, and that he was in the temple and amazed them with his teaching when he was just a boy. This in itself was amazing, yet when he was baptized and floodgates of Heaven were poured out on him, he was taken to a new level. Lord, let Heaven be torn open above us!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blameless and Pure in a Depraved Enviroment

Philippians 2:14,15 -Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.

This is an interesting couple of verses. Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing. As tasks are growing in my day today I can feel this urge to start complaining. as I studied this passage a little more, verse 13 seems to bring it all together.

Philippians 2:13 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

not only should we no argue and complain to be blameless and pure, so it will result in us shining in this dark generation, but we can do so because God is in control. Pro-life laws are overturned, the economy is in a downward slide, unemployment is rising, and we have our own personal issues as well. But in all things we should not complain and argue, but be blameless and pure so we can offer hope to the hopeless! I am thankful our joy does not come from our human circumstances!

Monday, March 9, 2009


I talked about the freedom gene last night. It is part of our "High Gene" series that we are doing in youth group. I found some good stuff. God will not reject us if we come to him. We studied Hosea who was actually commanded by God to marry an adulteress woman. (yeah, weird I know...) The point that he makes is amazing though. Hosea, was told to love the woman unconditionally, no matter how she cheated on him or how she treated him. Then the picture unfolds as it is revealed that when we are disobedient to God it is the same thing. God knows one thing; love... I am glad that no matter what we do we can approach him and he continues to love us. Sometimes we have this "I know what I deserve" kinda thought put in our heads and it drives us further from God, because we don't want to get "what we deserve". Gods grace is amazing though, and he anxiously awaits to restore us! He is good!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The need for Prayer

It seems this week is a week of increased prayer. I have had a lot of people ask me to pray, and some that didn't ask, but I knew needed it. It is exciting to pray when you have the right perspective, and it is very boring and difficult when we don't. The God of the everything has his ear tipped toward us and anxiously awaits to hear from us. Our prayers can be effective when we are in tune with the Holy Spirit. It is a privilege and an honor to be able to communicate with God like that. One that I am really unworthy to have. I continually try to wrap my mind around the grace and the mercy that God shows us. His mercy spares giving us what we deserve, and his grace gives us blessing beyond what we can earn. As I pray for people this week, I am asking the Holy Spirit to lead in prayer and will join him in agreement. Lord, bring revelation and and breakthrough in peoples lives!

Ephesians 4:22-24 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Bring Victory Lord!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Using the Sprit and the Mind

I am reading in 1 Corinthians 14 today. It is talking about gifts of prophesy and tongues. He encourages both, but for the sake of those around us who need to be edified, he is emphasizing the gift of prophecy. This is something that has always made me a little nervous to be honest. to prophecy is to have a word or revelation from God. People can be selfish and not listen to God and get up and say something for their own benefit, and in God's name! Seems like that should be one of those lightening bolt situations... :) That is why it is important that we are in his word, and in touch with God so that we can discern these things. It seems the things that are of great benefit are an amazing advantage, but if used incorrectly can also cause major destruction. Paul talks about praying in the spirit and with our minds, and praising in the spirit and with our minds. He makes a major distinction here. to hear something in our spirit and move it to our mind, and share that word with others is a wonderful thing. Paul says "try to excel in gifts that build up the church." Sounds like a good plan! Lord, I pray that you would teach us more about prophecy, and what it means to use our mind and our spirits to honor you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hearing from God

I had a great learning experience yesterday. A couple actually. And I want to share one of them today. For the last 3 weeks I have had this thought pop in my head to ask someone how they were doing in a specific area of their lives. I had previously been an accountability partner to them in the same area. But I kinda shrugged it off and said to myself "they seem fine, they will come talk to me if they need more help" It was one of those things that I made excuses for and disregarded as just a random thought that popped into my head. Yesterday this person approached me and asked me to keep them accountable again because they were struggling. All the sudden I realized that I missed hearing from God. or maybe better yet missed "listening" to God. As we talked more, they said that they had been struggling for the last 2 or 3 weeks, and they felt like God wanted them to ask me for help. As all this is processing in my spirit, I responded and said, I bet he did tell you that, because he has been trying to tell me directly for 3 weeks and I evidently have been ignoring him. It bothers me that I missed that, but at the same time I love that I have this experience to look back on. I am wanting to tune in a little more today, and hear that still small voice!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Battle Ground

I was reading Psalm 18 this morning, and it is a psalm about war or at least a battle. Here is a part of it:

Psalm 18:34-40 34 He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. 35 You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. 36 You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn. 37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. 38 I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. 39 You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet. 40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes.

Some of our soldiers may relate to this in midst of battle, but what about those who are not in Iraq or Afghanistan, or in some other war going on right now? Does this relate to us?

I believe it does. This is one of the things I love about the old testament. I can read something and say I am not in the that situation, or we don't do that anymore, then I realize that what happens in the old testament in the physical, in most situations if not all, happens today in the spiritual. Today, our battle ground is the hearts of people. We must fight and wage war and take back what the enemy has taken away. As we pray we need to remember that our prayers are launching a full missile attack on the enemy. Not so much that we are fighting him directly, but we call upon the power of God. that is what makes us effective. Let us fight the good fight and win back the hearts of the lost and hurting!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Never too young too worship

A lot happened this weekend. We went on a ski trip to Des Monies on Friday night and Saturday morning, then went to a concert in Council Bluffs on Sunday night, but in between those amazing events, I got to spend some quality time with Cyrus during our 8:30 prayer/worship time on Sunday morning. He is already learning to worship. He claps his hands, and he raises his arms up when he hears music playing in the sanctuary. I love that! It's things like that, that give me confidence that we must be doing something right. We are never to young or to old to learn to worship. of course Cyrus doesn't understand the whole concept of what is going on yet, or maybe he does... Maybe he understands it better than we do. Babies are masters at understanding the mood and the atmosphere around them. They know when there is tension or when it is a joyous occasion. So, it makes me wonder if they can sense the presence of God. It is an exciting time, and I am anxious to teach him more about Jesus! Have a great day everyone!

Friday, February 27, 2009


I have been thinking and praying about our theme this weekend. "Redefined" My friend Pastor Lee from Atlantic is going to be preaching about it. I am excited to see where the Lord leads us. God really is all about redefining. Not that he changes and has to redefine his rules or who he is, but instead we need to be redefined. God needs to redefine who he is when we doubt him. We need him to redefine us when we feel worthless and unloved. We need him to redefine our circumstances when they seem hopeless. God always seemed to redefine David and his situation. So many psalms start out negative, and end up redefined and hopeful at the end. I think when God redefines, he is simply revealing the truth. I am praying that lives will be changed this weekend. Redefine our lives Lord and help us to know the truth about you, ourselves, and our situations!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Righteousness = Power and Effectivness

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 17 Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

I want to be effective in my prayers, and I want to able to call upon the power from our almighty God. Elijah was obviously a righteous man, you can tell by the power and effectiveness of his prayers. I want the healing/renewing rain of God to come. If God will bring rain for the crops, how much more will he bring a rain that falls on the dry souls of this world. I am praying that those we interact with today would be rained upon and would have an encounter with Jesus that will change the outcome of their eternity!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Any Day Now

I was reading in Leviticus 9 today. It is after the 7 days before the Lord, and they are to prepare by offering sacrifices because they were told "For today the Lord will appear to you" Any day now the Lord will appear to the people. He is coming back! Have you accepted the sacrifice that was made for you? Jesus Christ died for you sins, so that when he returns you are prepared to stand before him. Anyone who walked into the holy of holies in the old testament, and was unclean would die in the presence of God. He has given us this time of grace and mercy; this time when we can choose to restore our relationship to him. We must not let this time pass us by! We cannot earn our salvation, we cannot find a loophole. We must accept Jesus as savior! "For today the Lord will appear to you" Any day now.... People get ready. Jesus is coming!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

7 days before the Lord

Reading in Leviticus today; chapter 8. It talks about the ordination of Aaron and his sons. They were being prepared to be the spiritual leaders of the Israelites. They put on the priestly clothes, made a sacrifice, and anointed them with oil. Then they had to stay at the entrance of the tent of meeting for 7 days and do everything the Lord told them to do. Today as we lead a church, a small group, or our families it is not necessary to sacrifice an animal or wear special clothes, but it is crucial that we spend time; just us and God. As we lead what is most precious to God -(His People) we must be in tune with him. That time is so valuable, and crucial to our success. before we get wrapped up in doing the things of the ministry, let us get wrapped up in the presence of our Lord, so we know who it is we are serving and how best to bring him glory!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kingdom Mindset

We talked in youth group last night about how we can understand Gods love more than we do. I believe that it takes sharing God's love in order to understanding it at a deeper level. Typically, to get more of something it would make sense not to give it all away. Once again God does things differently than the rest of the world. I love that, but at the same time it makes it difficult to change our mindset. God provides an overflow of love when we have someone around us to overflow into. What good is love if it is not shared anyways? The rules of the kingdom are different. To be first we must be last, to gain we must count all we have as loss. I have found it hard to change my mindset on things. I want to show a Godly love, but even though sometimes my actions or words are good, I have this little thing inside of me going, what am I going to get out of this?? How can I benefit? Ahhhh! why doesn't that just die! Lord, change our mindsets to be kingdom mindsets so we can turn the world upside down (or maybe right side up) for you!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Effectiveness of the Sacrifice

Leviticus 5:17 17 "If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible.

When I read this verse this morning, I found myself thankful for all that God forgives me of. Even things that I do unintentionally, that I don't even know are wrong, I am forgiven. It is just amazing how complete his sacrifice was! I also had a powerful thought yesterday when I was reading other verses in Leviticus. In old testament times those that needed to be forgiven put their hands on the head of the animal to transfer sin from them to the animal. As their hand was on the animal, it was killed and sacrificed. Can you imagine placing your hand on the head of Jesus as he was wiped, or as he was crucified, or as he took his last breath! WOW! Then to think that he wants you to do that! He wants us to bring everything that is evil, and un-holy to him. That is some crazy love. (that isn't out of the book by the way) As I finished in Leviticus I jumped over to psalm 8. "who am I that you are mindful of me" check it out and have a great day!

Psalm 8:1-9 Psalm 8:1 For the director of music. According to gittith. A psalm of David. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pure love vs. Impure love

I challenged our teenagers last night to keep there eyes open for love of all types, and try to tell the difference between Pure love (Like God) and Impure love (Love that falls short of God's standards). One thing that we learned last night is that pure love is not always nice... Pure love is willing to say and do the hard things, no matter what. One key to pure love is that it is truth. It never lies. As we talked last night I felt so inadequate in the way I was trying to describe love. Can it be done?? I know the English language is really pathetic at using this word. For instance, I love steak, and I also love my wife. Same word, really different meanings! :) I do know this. God is love. I think to know love we must know God, and to know God we must know love. I am anxious to read more of the "Crazy Love" book. God is good. oh, and God is love.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pushing the Limits

I got to spend a lot of time with Cyrus last night and it was great! We rolled around on the floor and played with toys. He is always pushing the limits and trying new things. I love that! That curiosity and willingness to do things we have never done before seems to be built inside of us. As he began to grab a hold of furniture and tried to pull himself up to his feet, I was encouraging him not to give up, without just doing it for him. Of course I was there to catch him if he fell, but eventually he was able to make it to his feet on several items in the living room. He did great! Somewhere along the way we can find ourselves not pushing the limits anymore. Maybe we think we have done everything we can do. Perhaps we get to scared to fail. We need to remember that God is there to catch us if we fall, but deep inside of us is a yearning for something more don't deny it! If it is a God thing, go for it!

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Installing the King

Psalm 2: 6-9 -I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill. I will proclaim the decree of the Lord. he said to me, "You are my Son today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery."

The part about installing the king jumped out at me this morning. Made me think of the inauguration. The one who was chosen will rule right? It is interesting that he says that "you will rule them with an iron scepter" This is another passage that shows us the servant leadership of Christ. We make him our king and we reap all the benefits it seems! Jesus is made king of our lives and we get an instant stimulus package. The difference between America's and God's is that God can afford what he gives out, and there are no hidden agenda's no special int rest groups. It pure and holy. Wow! OK, so there are about 4 or 5 blogs I could do out of these verses. Here is what I am gathering out of these few verses: God considers us a son, or daughter. He enables us to do great things. He teaches us to serve by serving us. And we must chose him and install him as king, and proclaim his decree!

Lord, help us to live with you as our installed king today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Praying When things are going good

I was convicted this morning about a part of my prayer life. It is a pattern I have followed many times and I would like to break it. I forget to pray for people when their lives are going good. I have found myself committed to pray for people when they are going through a tough time, then when things are better I stop praying for them. We need Gods grace in our lives everyday, and it kinda seems like the Israelites when God blessed them in the Bible and things were going great, then they forgot about him. They forgot where the blessings come from. I do believe there are times to turn up the heat and increase our prayers, but I am going to take a little time today to pray for those who God is blessing today and that He would continue to be obviously active in there daily lives.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Knowing Love

I read in Mark 15 this morning. God once again ties together different parts of my life into a central theme. The theme is pure love. Valentines day this weekend, my brother in law and his wife are renewing their vows this weekend, I have had an increased number of talks with people about relationships, I watched Fireproof last night (which is a powerful movie about a fireman who fights to save his marriage), and now this morning I read about the Crucifixion of Christ. Oh, and not mention that I have this book that was recommended to me called "crazy love". gee God are you trying to get my attention??? :) The big theme that God seems to be placing in my heart is that we must truly know his love in order to properly love others. He is so selfless, and he is God. He is the only one that actually has the right to be self-centered, and yet he is not! As I read about the people mocking him on the cross, I realize it was the pure love of God that kept him on the cross. He could have become the Lion of Judah, but instead played the role of Lamb of God while he hung there. God help me grow deeper in your love today!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Wow, what a week last week! I didn't even get a blog out on Friday. sorry about that. I was working hard towards getting all of my studying done before the Friday night. This weekend, I completed the last class needed to become a certified minister, and also finished up my internship, which is also a requirement. As, I walked out of class on Saturday afternoon this sense of relief was there. All of my requirements have been met. It is just sending the paperwork to Springfield, MO and waiting for the official documents to come back. It's exciting, it has been a long road and a lot of time has been spent, and it has all been worth it. now I get a couple of months of break, and then back to classes to get the next level! I looked at the stack of books that I have gone through for these courses the other day and the pile of books is much larger than the size of brain, and I am not sure how all that fit in there, but anyways it did! God is good and he has taught me a lot through my studies, and I am anxious to get into some more intense learning... after a little break that is!! Have a good day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Last Stand of the Flesh

I was reading in Mark 14 today and I noticed the prayer at Gethsemane. This will kind of tie into my Monday post as well. This is where Jesus prays not my will but yours be done. This is perhaps the most vulnerable and human that we see Jesus in all of his ministry, other than perhaps on the cross. He knows that death is coming, and every part of his humanness is fighting it. Jesus says:

Mark 14:33-36 33 He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. 34 "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," he said to them. "Stay here and keep watch." 35 Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. 36 "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

What an amazing passage! Jesus' desire does not line up with the will of his father, yet Jesus realizes this, and saves the prayer by ending with "not what I will, but what you will" He suppresses the desires of his flesh at the end of the prayer, as his spirit gains victory over the situation. It was the final stand of the flesh. Satan's most powerful attack on Jesus, because from this point forward the decision was made and their was no negotiating. Oh, how I pray that my spirit will gain victory over my flesh today! Not my will, but your will father!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Living & Dynamic Word of God

Have you ever noticed how when you read something in the Bible once, and then go back to it again, you get something totally different out of it? How amazing is God, that he can give us these physical words on a page and cause them to come alive in our spirit! And then to come alive in different ways. I, for some reason still have those times when it is like, yeah, yeah, yeah, David and Goliath; I know how this goes... Then you read it and study it and something new comes out. It is kinda like the rock hit me in the head instead of Goliath! lol. I was reading in Mark chapter 13 today. (those of you who read this regularly may be noticing a pattern :) ) I was encouraged by the fact that as things get more difficult and times get tougher, we can look more expectantly towards the return of Christ. This is where our hope comes from, and this is one of the things I love about God. His plan is such that if times are good we can praise him and enjoy those times, and when times are bad, we can still praise him and look forward the time to come, because it is near! I guess you can't keep a good christian down! OK, now this is the part that was new to me. He talks about the twigs on the fig trees in the winter getting tender, and as they do they begin to bloom because summer is near (v.28) As we are injured our wounds our very tender. I am referring to physical and emotional. My prayer for us as believers is that we will begin to bloom when we are tender, in the blessed hope of Christs return!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not far from the Kingdom of God

I was reading in Mark chapter 12 today and verses 28-34 caught my attention. One of the teachers of the law asked Jesus what the greatest command was. Jesus replies and says to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind. and the second is love your neighbor as yourself.
The teacher of the laws response in verses 32 and 33:

Mark 12:32-33 "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33 To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."

The interesting part is Jesus responds back and says "you are not far from the kingdom of God" This man was on the verge of something great. He was almost there! What was lacking? had he chosen to follow Jesus yet? did he need to apply what he had just learned? It seems that he had a great revelation. like everything that he had studied just made sense, after Jesus said that! In the other book that I am reading on prayer it talks about how we need to grow to the point of loving Jesus deeply. I can remember being thankful that he had forgiven my sins, then developing friendship has he helped me overcome shortcomings in my life, and as our relationship grows deeper as I worship him and he guides me, and works in me, I love him more and more. I'm anxious to walk in his kingdom today!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Not My Will, But Yours Be Done

I wonder how many times I have prayed my will instead of Gods this past week. In this book I am reading; "With Christ in the School of Prayer" by Andrew Murray, I have found myself diving into the in's and out''s of prayer. During breakfast this morning Pastor Al and I talked about praying for God's will. It is such an interesting subject. Some people honestly are just seeking Gods will for a situation, others use the line as an escape route in case their prayer doesn't come out the way they prayed it would. In the first scenario, they are seeking the perfect answer from God. I think that is good thing. I mean nothing is more perfect than God's will. On the second scenario, we see a lack of faith. there is doubt in that prayer. All of what is available from God is found with a basis of faith. What a topic! We are to be believing God for great things, yet be in his will, yet not get our will confused with his. Wow... I want what comes out of me to be Gods will! As I pursue my quest of break through in my prayer life and draw closer to him I am still reminded that God hears all our prayers and he knows our hearts. I'm simply hungry for more! Have a great day!

Friday, January 30, 2009

God's Kingdom is Bigger Than We Know

Reading Mark 9 today. in verses 38-41 the disciples say that they saw someone else driving out demons in Jesus name. They tried to stop him because he was not in their group. Jesus says don't worry about it because if he drives out the demon in my name, he cannot say anything bad about me in the next moment. (in other words his faith is real) Somethings have been the same since the disciples. "They don't go to our church, what do they know about Jesus?" "their faith can't be real." These to often are the statements that are said, or at least implied. Jesus is so much bigger than a denomination. He works through all of those who believe in him and seek him, through his word and through prayer. If something is done in the name of Jesus and brings glory to God, it does not matter if they are part of our group or not. It is tough sometimes to keep that frame of mind. sometimes I get jealous, and wish that what happened would have happened at our church. Oh, how often our sinful selves show up! that type of thinking is not kingdom thinking. Lord, help us to to continue to grow, and to remember that God's kingdom is bigger than we know!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have been reading about prayer this week and am finding out that it is one of the most simple things to do yet one of the most challenging. The key to successful prayer is being close to God. The goal is to be so close to God that we are praying his will and not our own. We have to look at the motives of our prayers. Is it for selfish reasons that we pray, or is it selfless. Will getting what we pray for boast our ego's out of control? Even if we pray for someone to be healed, will we give the glory to God or will we accept the praise of those who witnessed the miracle? Our hearts are corrupt in so many ways it almost feels like playing that "whack-a-mole" game. That is the game where all these moles pop of out holes on the board randomly and you are supposed to hit them on the head with a mallet to get points. (I bet PETA loves that game!) It seems that way when I want to try to pray in the most effective way sometimes. Selfishness... Whack! Ulterior motives.... Whack! My will not his.... Whack! oh no, selfishness again... Whack! I also think it is dangerous to stay to focused on the things we are doing wrong, because it can take our eyes off of God. We must push in towards him, whack the sin if it is between us and God and keep moving closer to him! Grabbing my mallet, and heading to class for the day! have a good one!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Determination to do it Right

I got through my internship book last night, and I read about the importance of taking care of your marriage and your children and not getting caught up in ministry and neglecting them. Robyn and I have been learning and gr owning in this area. It is tough when the people you are ministering to are having tough times. it makes it so easy to ignore my wife. We have taken some measures to make sure we have some time together and it has been good. As the book says, one of the keys to success in your ministry is to be successful in your marriage and parenting. I was encouraged as I read through the book, because a lot of the things it suggests we are doing already, but I know I can't allow myself to just coast on this. As I heard at our youth leadership conference; we can always do things better. I am determined to do things right in this area of my life. It is critical. And on this morning as I sit in Cedar Rapids at training today and tomorrow, I am anxiously awaiting getting home only to leave again for the weekend. I am thankful for an understanding and patient wife. I am blessed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jesus the Leader

I have been learning about how Jesus led people. It is so different than how the rest of the world has always done it. The rest of the world fights for the top position and will do whatever it takes to keep it. It is pretty much like king of the mountain. Jesus enabled others to get to the top of the mountain. Jesus sent out his disciples in Mark chapter 6 to go and perform miracles. If I were Jesus I wouldn't have done that quite as easily. I would have thought, I have established this reputation of doing miracles and if they can do it too then why should I be the leader instead of one of them. But Jesus is secure in who he is and is not concerned about how he looks from a worldly perspective. He holds the high office of servant. Jesus even said greater things than these will you do (in referring to miracles). the worldly leader says you will never do anything better than me! That is why I am the leader! To be like Jesus we have to allow him to pretty much break every natural tendency we have. It's crazy. then the other side of this is that Jesus was very strong at the same time. It is amazing! To lead like Jesus is going to be an ongoing task for the rest of my life. Looking forward to it! Have a great day!